Sunday, 25 December 2011

A Morining Walk in Coleford, 23rd December 2011

On a morning, close to Christmas, I took an hour to walk through lower Coleford. Its a quiet, beautiful place. The morning, slowy brightening up. 

These fields and places in which I grew up, filled with memories.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Evesham, Sunday 11th December

A reflection day! Life seen in the last of a year. A day alone but worthwhile for time and space to think.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

The Kymin, 20th November 2011
A cloudy Sunday. Mist in the air making the views unclear, but still, an amazing place.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Somerset Walk, 18th November 2011

A walk with my Mum and Arthur through the fields around Coleford and Holcombe in Somerset was a perfect way to spend a Friday away from work.

Lunch in the Duke of Cumberland too!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Gloucester 7th November 2011

A day in Gloucester spent looking at beautiful things in the Cathedral. Light through coloured glass falling on aged stone, cloth and wood. Time to look slowly and to take in all of the beauty, history and atmosphere in a sacred space.

Afterwards we head for lunch in Cafe Rene, eating wraps and enjoying a corner of the bar.

Then we shop in the Dandelion. Both taking away something special.

Monday, 14 November 2011

The Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge, 13th November 2011

 "The face and arms outstretched"
A park visited and strolled through,
Warm dusk light tips colours to rust orange.
At the gates, we see how a man gave this in memory of his wife
and how that gesture continues to fill so many lives with pleasure.

Kinver Edge and The Rock Houses, 13th November 2011

Visited for the first time, a surreal environment with warm sandstone, words, names and shapes carved through natural and man made erosion draw our curiosity. Outside, green and sky contrast with red weathered rock.

Friday, 11 November 2011


Your faces,
Your names,
Set to remember.

For your pain and suffering,
I’ll remember.

Never lost from a heart,
Your bravery never forgotten.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Bubbles blown on a bridge

Blowing gently, lips pushing the water across the surface of the rail. Then the bubble drops into the canal below. The water pops as the bubble hits the surface.


In Gloucester Cathedral, I came across this beautiful memorial. It's in memory of a mother who lost her life in childbirth while at sea and heading for a new life in another country.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Clent Hills

A Sunday afternoon, on Clent Hills with a friend and the fading light of an Autumn day. Sky, trees and spectacular views.