Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sophie Ryder, Masked

Sophie lifts a mask on to her head, her hair, curled, is all that is left of her identity, her body, in black becomes a marionette, controlled by the hare.

Sophie moves, hare like, crouching, kneeling, hopping from one lupine pose to another.

As the artist becomes the art, Sophie occupies her creations, she lives in her work, animated and in unity with her creations. 

Each sculpture Sophie creates feels, to me, to be born of something deep and primal, something that we, through the revelations within each piece, can only attempt to interpret her motivations and feelings. A full understanding seems to much to ask, too invasive. Dancing, Sophie teases us again, is it the Hare or Sophie that performs. Where in the hare is Sophie?